Workshop on Species Distribution Modelling
with MaxEnt and R
Workshop on
Species Distribution Modelling
with MaxEnt and R

December 3-9, 2018 : Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Workshop on Species Distribution Modelling
with MaxEnt
List of selected applicants
We have received a huge number of applications for this workshop (N = 90) from all over India: Colleges, Institutes and Universities of national and international repute. It has been a really tough job to shortlist 30 participants from these applications.
The main motto of this workshop is to disseminate the knowledge among the scientific communities of our country. In the selection process, the workshop committee mainly focused on the probability of knowledge dissemination at its level best, diversity of potential application areas, and to bring the young as well as experienced researchers on a single platform to share their expertise.
We are happy to announce that we have been obliged to adjust with our constraints to increase the number of participants to 39.
Congratulations to you and wish you a very rewarding experience in the workshop.
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